MFWA Holds Workshop on Network Shutdowns and Cyber Security in Ghana


The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) as part of its activities in promoting internet freedom in Ghana on June 22, 2017, organised a workshop on internet shutdowns in Africa and cyber security issues in Ghana.

The one-day workshop brought together participants from various civil society organisations in the human rights, consumer rights, governance and media sectors who examined the increasing rate of network shutdowns in Africa and their implications on economic development and human rights.

The workshop empowered civil society organisations in Ghana on how to effectively mobilise and tackle threats of internet shutdown as well as  proactive ways civil society actors can engage to ensure that network shutdowns (full or partial) are mitigated.

Additionally, the training raised awareness about the status of Ghana’s Cyber Security Policy and Strategy, which was adopted in the last quarter of 2016 and the role civil society organisations can play in its implementation.

The workshop was organised with funding support from UK-based Global Partners Digital.

Below are some pictures from the workshop. Kindly click left or right.

[unitegallery cybersecurityworkshop]