Funding opportunity for journalists


Who is eligible to apply?

Open to all journalists currently working with and for a recognised Ghanaian media organization.

How to apply

Applicants are to submit a one-page document with the following:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Media Organisation
  • What is the Story idea and why is it an important story? (one paragraph)
  • What is the intended impact of the proposed story? (two paragraphs)
  • How much funding support is required for the story development?

(NB: funding support should be between GH¢ 100-1500)

Applicants should send information to MFWA at: [email protected] with subject: ‘SDG Funding Support for Journalists’

The MFWA will confirm receipt of submitted proposals by email.

Publication of stories

  1. Stories to be supported under this project must be produced and published/broadcast between September 1 and October 9, 2017.
  2. Journalists are to publish their stories in their respective media organisations. Links to the online publication of stories, audio and visuals should be submitted to the MFWA as evidence.